The agency: "Two girls ride a spaceship". The client imagines sexy astronauts in a space shuttle. The director envisions Star Trek meets Tim Burton. And the production budgets two models and a Ford Focus…

Producer turned Creative Advisor, I translate words into images to ensure everyone's on the same page.

© All rights reserved to Savy Einstein


savy einstein

ā€¸Working with directors and production companies worldwide, I assist directors in tightening scripts, finding accurate visual references and writing a detailed, cinematic treatment. And as a fellow producer, I promise you, this creative advisor respects schedule and money

Producer? Read this! >>
Having been a producer for 7 years, I know how stressful bids can be, competing for a low-budget high-concept with a director who tells you he doesn't have the time to do a treatment ("just show them my reel") and blow their minds ("just show them my reel").

So you hire someone to help him and an hour before the meeting, get a 30-slide manifesto that's gonna cost like a feature and doesn't make sense. I'm a creative advisor who understands the urgency, costs and competitiveness that are at the core of each treatment. A rare breed indeed.
Director? Read this! >>
You've worked in this industry for almost a decade, you've won awards, you directed over a 100 commercials (some you're not very proud of, but that's okay), and they still want you to sit down and write a director treatment? What do they know?! It's frustrating, I get it, but let's focus on the solution.

I have a troubling photographic memory, I'm good at translating half sentences into coherent ones, I know how to sell a story on page and I don't have ADD (yet). I'm the creative advisor that gets you and knows how to explain you to the rest. Remember, a comprehensive and accurate director treatment doesn't only win over the client, it helps YOU visualize it better.
Ad Agency? Read this! >>
Yes, I know you're THE creative, but we often forget clients don't have a BFA or spend their days tracking trends on YouTube. Sometimes simply finding the right reference can save you a thousand words explaining how 'crash zoom monkey morphing into a chocolate bar' is going to be awesome. Let me do the work for you.